Today was a beautifully orchestrated day. I signed up online a few days ago for Jay Leno tickets so that I might have something to do in the afternoon on Monday once I finished signing up for Central Casting; however, I was called into work on Monday and I ended up getting tickets for today instead. I did not find out I had tickets until yesterday night so that gave me little time to find friends to come along with me on this venture… no matter I brought four very dear friends with me in the cover of Little Women. Though seating was not scheduled until 2:45 pm, I set out in the wee hours of 8 am just to be sure I made it there in time (with my track record for getting myself lost you’d understand this precaution). As you’ll find out this precaution was a necessary one. The bus ride to Burbank was a long one but it did take a scenic route through the city.

Mean while I had to stay focus on the task at hand, finding the correct bus to take me an hour and half further to Burbank CA . I was looking for bus 96 and when one finally rolled around I hopped on and snuggled into my seat for the long ride. About 20 minutes in I realized this bus was not like the others I am used to riding. It was not calling out it’s stops, I began to become paranoid that it would take me to some far a way land or keep driving forever with no stops. But soon it was obvious we were indeed heading towards Burbank so I was at ease and began to amuse myself by facebooking and reading a few chapters of that delightful book. This bus had a stop at the LA Zoo, I could see cages from the freeway and it did not seem all that impressive in comparison to the Cincinnati Zoo. As we rolled into Burbank I again became paranoid this time about missing my stop. When I discovered we were on Alamedo I approached the driver and asked if we had passed Bob Hope Dr yet and he informed me I was indeed on the wrong bus. Or well I was on the right number but this 96 only went to the Burbank Station I needed the 96 that went farther into town. The bus driver was kind and wrote me a transfer to give to that other 96 bus that I had needed. But this mishap meant more waiting and the next bus driver hassled me about the hand written transfer. No matter I did eventually make it to the NBC Studios. It was just past noon when I jumped off that second 96 and I was starving so instead of rushing to try to catch the tour which I had originally planned on attending I crossed the street and ate at some bright yellow Mexican restaurant. The food was delicious although I think I would have rather had Del Taco.
When I arrived at the gate for the Tonight Show it was 12:50 and the man informed me I could still go on a tour if I hurried (around to the other side of the complex). So I did just that, and felt like a sketch ball walking a complete circle around Studio 11. I arrived at the tour station only to be informed by some nice young tour guides that I’d be a dummy if I didn’t go ahead and get in line for the Jay Leno show. Oh well, all the reviews I read about the tour were negative any ways. Thus I trekked back around to my original location, gave them my hand written reservation number (because I couldn’t find a printer in time) and proceeded to sit around some more. And this is when my little book came in handy. I was able to disappear into the world a Alcott and did not realize I’d been sitting there for 2 hours until a two-humped camel walked by and I realized my butt was completely dead.
Once finally inside I became aware that this particular Tonight Show was designed just for me. There were Headlines (my favorite next to Jay Walking) and the actor who played the protagonist in Schindler’s List (a movie I’ve always held in high regard) and an animal guy with porcupines, armadillos and a baboon (there was supposed to be a two humped camel but apparently they ran out of time.. oops). It was quite interesting watching things up close and seeing the behind the camera action. And I was uber excited about the real life applause sign that lit up after commercial breaks. I have to say though, Jay never seemed exactly happy to be there. He was lively enough but most the people running about down there just seemed tired and a bit annoyed. He was nice and took pictures with those brave enough to ask. He was witty on and off screen. The people seating the audience were all quite nice and polite as well. I enjoyed the entire experience; it zoomed by though. I felt like we’d just sat down when it was already time to go home.
Once out I watched as the 96 zoomed by and realizing that bus only comes by every thirty minutes at best, I decided it was time to eat again. There was a Winersnitzel across the street and though I don’t like hotdogs I decided to give the popular restaurant a whirl. I ordered the number on which came with 2 chili dogs and fries. The dogs were similar to Skyline Chili dogs but not as tasty. I ate one but was to disgusted to eat the other. Check that off of things I needed to try. The next 96 did not appear until a full hour later. I double checked this time to make sure this one went all the way to Downtown LA.
I was nervous about riding the Metro after dark but it was unnecessary, there were the same amount of creepers on it at 8pm as there was 11 am. I’ve already learned many of the tricks like sitting on the seat next to the aisle to prevent weirdos from sitting next to you unnecessarily. Never make eye contact, if you do make eye contact don't feel bad about being rude and short with them if they try to ask about where you live or other personal questions (also don’t feel bad about lying if they are persistent). After chasing down the 733 I made it back safely to Venice closer to 9 than to 8pm. I was extremely happy to see Ronalda smiling down at me from a top her CVS perch. The sight of her means home… well home for this brief period in my existence.