Sunday, February 13, 2011

So Let Us Begin

I have kept a sporadic journal over the past five years of my life which has amounted to 250 some odd pages and I just thought “Wow what a waist, all this raw thought that I’ve spent hours creating and no one to share it with.”  So from now on (or from now until I get distracted and forget to post new things), I’m going to post journal entries that seem worth while to post. I’ll skip the gushy and whiny ones and stick with the “Hey here’s a thought” or “This is the interesting thing I did today” ones.

To bring you up-to-date (without delving to far into those 250 pages), I am an English Grad from Truett-McConnell College. I’ve enjoyed the past three years working, playing, learning and relaxing in the quaint Georgia Mountain. I’ve spent the past 23 years living in a lovely Southern Baptist bubble. Now, I’ve moved out to LA to learn about the “real” world. It’s been quite the educational experience. I’ve seen a lot of things that I had only heard about in the past.

There are many benefits to living in such a hot location. First, I can see the beach from my walk way, hello tanning in February! There are like a bazillion things to do, I mean you can never legitimately say you have nothing to do here (unless you run out of cash). And the Museums! Be still my heart! I still hold a valid student I.D so I have been living it up. You want to be a star? So does everyone else but the cool things is you get to run into stars and half-stars (people on their way up) just about every day. And there are these things called show taping that they let you got to for free! Is no one else psyched out about all this yet? Also there are these incredible hiking trails with outrageous views just ten minutes outside of Venice. (Venice is my exact location).

So any who, I believe in this lull between watching my old college life fade and beginning some incredible God ordained venture, I will keep you guys posted on the adventures in between.

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