Friday, May 25, 2012

Visit from the Chief's wife

    The morning is filled with the songs of some delightful blue rollers. They dance around bush camp, flashing their brilliant teal wings and perching high in the trees. Today we are preparing for the visit from the Chief’s wife. She is coming for tea time and all the women in bush camp are hurrying about to prepare for her arrival. Sarah, De Anne and the girls are running around clipping flowers from every flowering tree and bush. Others are busy stirring bowls of sugar, chocolate and other ingredients for the different treats. I am inside the building helping to move tables and lay “Shatangies” (pieces of cloth used as skirts) for table clothes. We women are very happy to be using our creative and hospitality skills. At about noon, Ms. Suzy drives onto campus with the Chief’s wife and her sister-in-law. As the walk into the building, we sing the a song and curtsy a bit as they pass. Inside we take out seats and continue with more music and a round of introductions. Soon we are all enjoying the treats and some tea. The Chief’s wife graciously allows us to question her about her duties and her daily life. We learn that she is often entertaining people. She is part of a matrilineal tribe, which means that the Chief is chosen from the sons of his sister. Therefore the Chief’s sister is a highly respected person as well. That is why she attended the party with the Chief’s wife. Some ladies and girls presented a skit about Elijah and the widow whose oil and flour did not run out. One of our last events was to sing a song in Nianja. The words where “Mwamba, Mwamba” but the snake in the wall must have that we were say “Mamba Mamba” because he came slithering out of the ceiling rafters to join the party. He came down directly behind the Chiefs wife and sister-in-law. He was just a harmless garden snake but that did not matter in a room full of women. We kept on singing but there were now screams and stomping of feet mixed in as some ran to find the men to kill the snake. The snake was soon deposed of and we continued on our way. Aside from the snake it was a great day of fun and learning.

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