Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Maio, Cape Verde

      The last island we were privileged to visit was Maio, named by the Spanish for the month in which it was discovered. Maio is the second smallest inhabited island of Cape Verde (next to Brava) and the least visited by tourist. Up until recent years, many of the inhabitants of Maio lived without any contact with white Europeans. As we drove into the smaller villages in Maio, the children reacted in much the same way they do in West Africa, smiling and waving wildly at us. Along our way, we met and expat from Nebraska and travel author, Bert Lane. Bert moved to Maio when he could claim to be one of three white people on the island, there was also a French man and a German. He chose Maio because it was more relaxed and removed from the rush of life. Tourism is also beginning to make its mark in Maio. The Island has few resources to boost its economy so has begun to accept tourist into its less populated beaches. 

     Maio only has one evangelical church for the entire island, however the pastors of this church are passionate and devoted to the people of Maio. Emmanuel and Celita are reaching out of the capital of Villa Do Maio and into two nearby villages Celita glowed as she recounted that they recently were able to hand out Gospel pamphlets to all the school children in Maio. The faith of the two precious people was humbling to behold. At the beginning of the school year, Celita was approached by dozens of students asking for books for their classes, Celtia did not want to tell them no so she asked them to pray. Within the week, they had more than enough funds to buy all the kids the books they requested. Emanuel and Celita are concerned for the people of Maio because of social oppression coming from the dominate Catholics and also because of a recent  outbreak of suicide on the island.  “In the past 8 months there have been 7 suicides and 1 attempted suicide. People are saying that there is a devil possessing people.” Emanuel grew up in Maio and had never heard of a suicide on the island until this year. Pray for the people of Maio that the villages on the far side of the island will receive a gospel witness. Pray that the spirit of suicide will be banished from the island. And pray for Emanuel and Celita that they will continue faithfully and be encouraged and joined by other believers.

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