Sunday, August 12, 2012


I wrote some poetry while listening to sermons at our retreat in Senegal. That is when I do most my writing, when I’m supposed to be listening… guilty, or while I’m driving alone in the car on backs of receipts.


I caught a hold of something I thought new

Turns out my grand-parents knew it too

A single thought griped my longing soul

That Christ dear life could make this sinner whole

This flow of grace my heart could not bare

He gave His life to keep me from deaths snare.


For the next one, I wrote these first two stanzas while in college for a poetry class. The lines have swirled about my brain and I was waiting for the thoughts to be completed. The first two parts I wrote in view of the dandelions that used to grow in swaying masses in our back field in Locust Grove.  


One thousand swaying suns

In a dark green sky

Each beam a separate petal

Which will change its form and fly

Across the dark green ocean

Into the dust to die

Forming one more sunshine

To sway in dark green skies

Dancing in Your fields

Can I not just stay here?

Do you have to hound me?

I’m panting as the deer.

Your heat is beating on me

My brightness fades away

I do not understand you

You turn me soft and gray

And then you break my strength

You draw me to your mouth

I’m longing for a kiss

You breathe and send me out

Lord plant me in that ocean

With not a speck of light

But remember all my trouble

As I’m growing in the night

Open up new petals

I see your son awaken

You’ve given me good soil

I know I’m not forsaken

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