Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Made it to Mali

From Senegal Salle to Mali Bamako! After the retreat in Salle we had an opportunity to go to Mali. Finally. The cliffs surrounding Mali are gorgeous. Waterfalls emerge from the rocks and flow down the sides of the red and sand colored walls. In Bamako, we enjoyed the hospitality of fellow teammates stationed there. We only had a very few days but we managed to pack up the rest of Alex’s house and visit some very delicious restaurants.
We also had the opportunity to attend the translator class to see what it was about and whether we could get one going in Guinea or one of our other West Africa locations. Ms. Glenda asked me to tell my story to the class in English (Duh my only language) and then she would test their comprehension. This worked as a dual lesson; for their English and for my understanding of how to speak so an African can hear me. It went something like this: “Vickie will you please share your testimony with the class now? Wait, Testimony… Let me write that on the board” Wipes off board, tries to avoid showering the students with chalk dust, scratches the word “Testimony” on the board. Me: “Okey dokey.” Glenda: “Well that’s a southern saying! Okey Dokey! Has the class heard that one before?” Smiles all around the room. Then I tell my story from childhood to the moment of surrender in my front yard. And I say things like “When I was a child my parents were blvrs but I was not,” I learned that one in training. In Muslim countries, you do not become a Muslim you are born one. I want them to know that I was not born a blvr. I said things like, “When I grew older I realized I not only needed to be saved but that Gd wanted control of my life.” And “After I gave Gd control it has been a step by step journey that brought me here, He never spoke to me with words but rather he guided me little by little.” I completed the story and looked up awkwardly at Glenda to see what she would say. “Did you hear what she said about when she was a child class? Was she a blvr?” A blvr in the class answerers with an excited smile, “No, she was not, her parents were.” And then he tells the class you have to give your life to Him. Then Glenda writes these words on the board, “Give Gd Control.” “What does this sentence mean? We know what all the words mean but what do they mean together?” As the discussion follows, things are pulled out, other words emerge, like “will.” Gds will, my will, surrender. To give Gd control, is to surrender your desires, your will, the things that you want, and instead desire what Gd wants. Really? Is there all that meaning in those three words? Did I really do that? That sounds a lot harder now than it did a few minutes ago when I tripped over those three words and claimed I had done them. “And then on the night when I was thirteen, I gave Gd control of my life.” I felt embarrassed as the class continued to discuss the words, that statements seems so final and resolute. What about this morning, when I woke up and my roommate was rushing me to walk out the door and I knew it was “God’s will” that I should answer calmly and with kinds words but instead I snapped and scowled… I did what I wanted to do. Liar. Yes, I am a liar, I lied to that class, I live a life of lies. And I lied to the one that matters most to me. I said, “Gd you do whatever you want with me, I am yours,” but then I say, “well I didn’t talk to him because I don’t really know him that well” or “I tried to be nice but did you hear her tone of voice?” Could I really ask these people to do what I have been unable to do myself? They understand the meaning of these words better than I do. “I gave Gd control of my life.” No it’s not right at all, it should be, “I am giving Gd control of my life” or “On that night I started giving God control of my life.”

I wrote a song about this once, do you want to hear it? Well I’m sorry I get too embarrassed so you’ll just have to read it and imagine my squeaky voice praying it to my God.

I say I’m going to save the world
But You know that I don’t mean it
I pray like a warrior
But I act just like a baby

I pretend to know Your ways
I make the world think I’m okay

But I’m a failure, I’m a failure, I’m a failure

You put this passion in my soul
But my fear lets it grow cold
How often do I choke back words
That needed to be heard

You can tell me not to fret
That I’ll save a sinner yet
But I know I’ll just turn away
Just like I’ve done every other day

Chorus: Cause I’m a failure, I’m a Failure, I’m a failure

When will I do right
God in your sight?
When will I prevail
Make my God’s heart swell

I want to save the sinners heart
Give them all new starts
I want to speak Your name loud
And make you proud


The good I want to do
I do not
But my sinful desires
Control my mind
What a Wretch!


What a Wretched man am I?
Who can rescue me?
Thank God through Jesus Christ
His life has set me free

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